0181_Cutlery Set
Universal Set
Project description:
What was originally intended to be a simple design exercise in form-making (nothing wrong in just trying to create something beautiful we think...) morphed into a journey into the mechanics/cultural norms of how and what we eat.
Our journey is part commentary/reflection on the culinary experiences & traditions of the 'other', whilst questioning what constitutes table manners/etiquette for a society increasingly adept at traversing between different cultural realities. We wanted to propose a set befitting the global, ethical consumer fully conscious of what, and how they consume.
We have distilled our areas of research & development into three key design iterations:
Iteration 1 - Cutlery meets Architecture & tradition.
Iteration 2 - Cutlery meets etiquette and handedness
Iteration 3 (final) - Cutlery meets Sustainability (plus iterations 1 & 2).
Head over to SA Stories to read all about our design inspiration and process in detail.